How to prevent back pain?
How to prevent back pain? It's the million dollar question and at Burswood Health Chiropractic Clinic we link treatment plans to scientific research.
Is it preventable?
You might know that back pain is extremely common in the community. Up to 80% of the population will have back pain at some time in their lives.
The question that's on everybody's lips at the moment is: "Is it preventable?"
And the scientific literature is quite clear: Exercise and getting more activity is what reduces back pain and in some cases prevents it.

What if it seems to get worse?
However there's another group of people for whom when they exercise, their back pain seems to get worse. And what we found is that with the right combination of treatment: massage, manipulations and dry needling, and some careful exercice prescription, that a lot of pain relief can be given to provide you with the window of opportunity to then exercise and work yourself out of the pattern back pain.
So if this resonates with you, we can talk to customise a treatment plan and an exercise plan to overcome your back pain.