Ankle Pain
A majority of people put up with ankle pain and foot problems for years and only get medical advice when it is too late. Early detection and treatment of ankle and foot problems can prevent a lifetime of trouble and can resolve a problem years before surgery is the only treatment option left.

Types of ankle pain
Ankle pain can slow daily activities and can lead to longer-term pain and disability if not effectively treated in its early stages.
Ankle Sprain
An ankle sprain causes pain due to the injury of the ligaments that connect the bones of the foot to the leg bones. An accident, like twisting an ankle can tear the ligaments, and damage the tendons, cartilage and blood vessels. Most people will be unable to put weight on the ankle, and see bruising and swelling.
Ankle sprains can occur repeatedly due to the weakness that develops after the first sprain. Osteoarthtitis often develops as a result of the repeated trauma to the ligaments and joints. Specific exercises and treatment help strengthen the joint and prevents re-injury in the future.
Achilles Tendonitis
Injuries to the tendon that connects the calf muscles to the back of the lower leg to the heel are a common cause of pain in many middle-aged athletes. The pain can start in the back of a leg, or right above the heel, and usually is felt after a workout. A person can also feel stiffness in the morning and some mild activity can ease the tension. Achilles tendonitis must be managed properly to prevent serious future injury to the tendon. Covering up pain with anti-inflammatory medication is not recommended.
Symptoms and conditions
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
A person can feel ankle feel ankle pain when the tibial nerve gets impinged. The compression of the nerve may leave a person with a sensation of tingling, numbness or burning sensation from the inner side of the ankle through the base of the foot to the heel. The condition can commonly occur in people with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, or after a fall.
Other Pain You Might Feel
Heel Pain
Are you suffering from heel pain? Read more about what could be the cause.
March Fracture or Stress Fractures
The repeated impact from sport or exercise can cause stress fractures in the metatarsal bones in the feet or bones of the lower leg. The fractures cause pain in the ankles and feet that is felt at night and even when not moving. The name ‘March Fracture’ originated as a description of the repetitive use injuries that soldiers sustained from marching long distances in the wrong footwear. Runners can suffer from stress fractures in the leg bones (tibia and fibula). This results in a very sore shin which rapidly gets worse with further running or training.
The treatment
Come in and talk to our podiatrist when ankle pain is reducing your mobility and your ability to live a normal life (walk, sleep, or exercise). Our experienced practitioners will assess your soft tissues, bones, and footwear and determine a custom tailored treatment plan to help you live an active, pain-free life.
We specialise in relieving acute pain in the ankles, feet, and toes. Our practitioners are skilled at reducing inflammation, treating your whole musculoskeletal system, and adjusting your joints, if needed.
Each person gets a custom treatment plan and we can fit you for the proper footwear and added support to prevent further damage to the ankles and feet. We focus on your rehabilitation, including exercise prescriptions to strengthen and heal your body as fast as possible.
Call us, 08 9361 26 28. Make an appointment to see how we can help you.