Exercises for pregnant women
As recommended by Dr Paul Staerker, Chiropractor
Exercises for pregnant women & Chiropractic
As a Chiropractor, my mission is to work with our patients in order to treat problems without drugs or surgery whenever possible. With exercises for pregnant women, it’s all about helping expecting mothers find comfort, through natural pain management. If you are expecting or planning to become pregnant, focusing on good posture and gentle strengthening exercises is essential in providing optimal support for your spine and pelvis. It can make a world of difference as you progress through the stages of pregnancy and labour.

Cat/Cow exercises for pregnant women
We recommend this exercise as a warm up before you attempt any other strengthening exercises. This will will help you avoid straining your muscles or discs. This is also your first aid exercise for back pain. If you feel back pain at any time simply stop and do 6-12 repetitions to ease tight spinal muscles.The Cat/Cow exercise has been used for thousands of years in yoga, and it is still considered to be a safe and effective limbering exercise for the spine.
Plié squats
The Plié squat or Chair Squat is an exercise to strengthen the muscles in your thighs. It also improves your balance. Stand parallel to a chair for this exercise with your feet about hip distance apart. Point your toes slightly outwards. Then draw your belly button slightly inwards toward your spine. This engages the important transverse abdominis muscle of your ‘core’. Then, bending your knees, lower your trunk while keeping your back straight. You don’t need to squat deeply or cause discomfort by bending your knees too far.
You can find all the details on this, and the Cat/Cow exercise, in my ebook “5 Exercises You Can Do While Pregnant”, and you can download it here.

Useful link(s)
Other exercises and videos
At Burswood Health we have created and produced a whole library of exercises and health tips, based on our experience as chiropractors, occupational therapists and podiatrists. You can find them on our website in our Knowledge Base.
At Burswood Health we help you with chiropractic care to keep your spine, joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves in the best possible condition. Our occupational therapists can help you with balance and coordination. And our podiatrists look after your feet, foot posture and overall foot health.
So if you feel you can use help implementing these simple exercises during your pregnancy, or if you want to book an appointment to check on your spinal health on your wonderful journey, please contact our clinic today to see how we can help you.