Relieve muscle pain with dry needling

Paul StaerkerWhole BodyLeave a Comment

Relieve muscle pain with dry needling

To relieve muscle pain, many therapists around the world use dry needling.

Relieve muscle pain: the acupuncture approach

Dry needling is derived from Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, but in many ways it's an entirely different technique.

The goal is to relieve muscle pain by inserting a very thin, sterile acupuncture needle into the trigger point. It can reduce the pain caused by tight muscles.

relieve muscle pain

So what's the difference with Traditional Chinese Acupuncture?

Traditional acupuncture focuses on specific mapped out points, that relate to different organs and meridians of energy, running through the body. Dry needling simply works on the trigger points.

Dry needling can be used for tight muscles, and on fascia, ligaments and joints. So even if the 2 techniques might look very similar, it's important to flag that at Burswood Health we don't offer Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and what we use is Dry Needling.

Relieve muscle pain AND get some extra benefits

Besides the muscle pain relief, dry needling can be very relaxing. And it also helps your body take care of itself, stimulating healing and repair.

It will also stimulate circulation in your body. As you can see, dry needling is one of those powerful alternatives to using drugs for pain symptoms that you may experience. Many people use it to get rid of tight muscles and to relieve muscle pain without suppressing the pain using chemicals.

relieve muscle pain

Interested? Talk to your practitioner

If you feel that dry needling could be useful for your specific situation, get in touch and speak to your practitioner at Burswood Health.

We will always look into the therapy that suits your individual needs. Dry Needling may be all you need, or it may be part of a bigger treatment plan.

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Contact the clinic

Our practice is located in Burswood (Eastern Perth surburbs), a 1 minute drive from the Town of Victoria Park or East-Perth.

  Visit our Perth practice:
21 Harvey Street
Burswood, WA 6100, Perth

Call us: (08) 9361 2628

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